National MLS Organizations, Federations or Confederations, existing or in creation.
Local MLS Organizations or Association
MLS Europe Ambassadors
A real estate agency or broker cannot join MLS Europe directly because it is only through a local or national MLS organization that it can become a member. It is therefore the MLS organization that joins MLS Europe.
By exception, in countries where no MLS organization is existing, MLS Europe Ambassadors (Class C) are applying in person as agents or brokers.
Membership to MLS Europe for Class A, B & C is subject to co-optation by the board, under conditions below:
The MLS Europe Membership labeling of local and national MLS organizations constitutes a determining leverage in terms of:
Credibility and representativeness of the approach, both to professionals and to all industry players and public authorities.
Capacity of deployment and development of MLS organizations.
Valuation of the whole industry towards its customers by its capacity to be part of an valuable approach at the European level.
Resistance to attempts to appropriate the added value of professionals by unregulated collaborative platform operators.
An MLS provider is a technology company that delivers a platform to develop collaboration between members of a local or national MLS Organization.
A technology partner is a company that offers services connected to Realtors and Offices, MLS providers such as: business CRM and ERP, dynamic websites, electronic signature and more generally any platform or API that can deliver a service to real estate agents or MLS Organization.
Membership to MLS Europe for Class D is subject to co-optation by the board, under conditions below:
The MLS Europe Membership labeling of a MLS Solution Providers constitutes a determining leverage in terms of:
Build your brand as an innovative MLS: The industry’s MLS leaders are forging ahead with data standards initiatives. Be known as the organization that brings new innovation to your membership first by highlighting your MLS Europe leadership.
Shape the future of MLS tools: MLS Europe membership gives you a seat at the table where decisions are being made that will directly impact your business’s technology
Build or buy tools that scale and integrate faster: Through standards, MLSs have access to tools that create more efficiency in the office and productivity for agents and brokers. The MLS can adopt tools that exist in other markets at a much faster rate.
Provide more insights through accurate data: MLS statistical tools and agent collaboration tools can provide broader and more insightful reports through seamless, standardized data.
Understand technology’s path for strategic planning: Technology is a critical component of an MLS’s future, and MLS Europe members can find a competitive advantage through understanding what’s coming next.
Network with the industry’s technology and MLS leaders: MLS Europe members include the best and brightest minds in real estate. Through conferences and meetings, members build trust and support one another through a shared commitment to technology leadership.
The MLS Europe Membership labeling of a Technological Partner constitutes a determining leverage in terms of :
Shape the future of data-driven tools: MLS Europe membership gives you a seat at the table where decisions are being made that will directly impact your business’s technology.
Build tools that integrate faster: Through standards, technology can be built to create more efficiency for MLS Provider, agents, agencies or consumers or MLSAssociations. Standards-driven products can scale more quickly across markets or grow more quickly within them.
Provide more insights through accurate data: Statistical tools and agent collaboration tools can provide broader and more insightful reports through seamless, standardized data.
Understand technology’s path for strategic planning: Product development can benefit greatly by focusing on the future of standards. MLS Europe members find a competitive advantage through understanding what’s coming next.
Network with MLS providers, agents-agencies and MLS Associations : The industry’s most forward-thinking organizations come together at MLS Europe’s meetings and events. Work directly with the organizations that are pushing industry technology forward.
Class E members are organizations or companies operating in a field of activity that represents an added value for the implementation of the MLS Europe standard.
The contributions of Class E members to the development of the project must be made in a disinterested manner, without any invoicing of services.
Membership to MLS Europe for Class E is subject to co-optation by the board, under proposal of one of its members.